Sistema de aeração

O sistema de aeração por ar difuso com uso de membrana bolha fina são fixos sobre tubos de PVC, distribuídos uniformemente no fundo do tanque, proporcionando uma aeração homogênea em todo o tanque.

● Maior eficiência na transferência de ar para a massa liquida;
● Não permite a existência de zonas mortas;
● Menor custo energético;
● Maior Durabilidade;
● Menor custo de manutenção;
● Dispensa equipamentos eletromecânicos submersos no esgoto;
● Não possui peças moveis que possam sofrer desgastes.

Easy Installation

Wind is a source of energy which is non-polluting and renewable, wind turbines create power without using fossil fuels.

Long Time to Use

Source of energy which is non-polluting and renewable, wind turbines create power without using fossil fuels.
One average, a typical American home would require a small turbine with a 5-KW generating capacity to meet all its electricity needs Macenas etos sit amet.
One average, a typical American home would require a small turbine with a 5-KW generating capacity to meet all its electricity needs Macenas etos sit amet.
One average, a typical American home would require a small turbine with a 5-KW generating capacity to meet all its electricity needs Macenas etos sit amet.

Services We Offer

We specialize in consulting in choosing and actually installing doing the  of both full-cycle batteries.

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